我收集到一些文章和视频, 可以带你窥探 Facebook 的架构. Facebook 承载了几十亿的用户, 它的架构(包括思想和实现)是非常值得参考的. 当然, 你要小心不要照搬 Facebook 的每一字一句, 因为任何思想和实现都是有自己的应用场景的.
- 文章: BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance
- 文章: Needle in a haystack: efficient storage of billions of photos
- 文章: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150148835363920
- 文章: The Underlying Technology of Messages
- 文章: Facebook Chat
- 文章: Building Efficient Data Centers with the Open Compute Project
- 文章: Scaling Facebook to 500 Million Users and Beyond
- 文章: Making Facebook 2x Faster
- 文章: Hacking Conventional Computing Infrastructure
- 视频: The Underlying Technology of Messages Tech Talk (12/7/10)
- 视频: Typeahead Search Tech Talk (6/15/2010)
- PPT: Hpca2012 Facebook Keynote
- PPT: Facebook的架构