
6岁的 Heather Martin 唱她妈妈写的歌

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6 year old Heather Martin sings a song that her mother wrote for her Brother Shaun who is serving in Iraq. The song is written from Heather's point of view.

6岁的 Heather Martin 唱她妈妈写给在伊拉克服役的她的哥哥 Shaun 的歌"Heather Martin - When Are You Coming Home". 唱得很可爱, 如果你见到太多的成人, 你可以看看这个视频. 如果你安装了 Firefox 浏览器VideoDownloader 插件, 你可以把视频保存下来.


You were almost sixteen when I came into the world.
Mom and Dad had you first then 3 more boys I'm the baby girl.
I sure have a lot to look up to in you, you're really smart and funny with a big heart too.
After one year of college you knew what you had to do.
It's just like you wanting to help with the war.
So you joined the army when I was only 4.
This time of year we talk of big plans but you're over seas in some distant land.
You can't be here for Christmas, I don't understand.
When are you coming home, Shaun?
When are you coming home?!
We lit up the house like we always do but it doesn't seem bright 'cause we can't have you.
In my prayers I ask God to keep you safe.
And I'm trying to be really brave.
Tell me that the fighting's through.
Come home!
I really miss you.

It's hard to enjoy the holidays without you.
But we're so proud of you and all the red white and blue.
Remember that Jesus is your best friend,
And someday our families will be together again.
Wow! You know we'll have a great big party then.


I want to show you how tall I've grown and introduce you to my new friends at school.
Maybe we could go and get some ice cream together but I really don't care what we do.

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Posted by ideawu at 2006-12-25 14:36:35

2 Responses to "6岁的 Heather Martin 唱她妈妈写的歌"

  • 推荐你听一首美妙的Sarah brightman唱的歌——《The war is over》 Reply
  • hi,我是在youtube看到这个小姑娘的视频,然后找这首歌的歌词从google找到你这里来的。我在悉尼,访问你的blog的速度不算慢。看了些你的blog,感觉挺有意思。



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